This weekend, Levi and I went to Searcy to see our families and friends. We thought it would be a good time to see everyone before they went their seperate ways in the fall. We got to celebrate Sarah Grace's birthday and here are a few pictures:
She had the cutest cake!
Can you tell that she is a Chi-O girl?
This girl might as well be my blood..Happy birthday sister!
Susy getting Caleigh back for dunking her
...going to get Kimber's hair wet
homemade icecream
Now, this video is really random and has nothing to do with this post. I thought I would share a laugh with ya'll. My brother, Tucker, showed this video to me and I was literally crying I was laughing so hard! It is a pretty long video, but it gets really, really good around 6 minutes or so. Enjoy!
Zach's twin brother, Seth Galifinakis